BMAT for Broadcasters

Step up your game

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Music usage in broadcasters

Get accurate, metadata-complete music usage reports for all your shows and ads without lifting a finger. We’ll compile and send the data to collecting societies, optimise dealings with them plus allow you to make the most of your library.

Pump up your jam


Make work lighter

Forget manual work and cue-sheet chasing – we’ll automate your reporting processes end to end. You’ll get access to an easy-to-use, viewable dashboard, and plenty of time and money saved to enjoy on strictly business matters.


Good mojo with CMOs

Get instant, ultra-accurate reports so you can stop worrying about deadlines and start upgrading your deals and revamping your relationships with collecting societies.


Tune up your assets

Gain a data-based understanding of your exact music usage across catalogues to share with CMOs, and start making the most of your own music library.

“The advantage of BMAT is the credibility of their information for users and collective organisations. They provide information to all parties while being a neutral third party.”

Angel Bahon

Director of Management Control, Atresmedia Radio

“BMAT offers us an excellent solution for our music controlling needs. They provide us with accurate, fast and comprehensive data to cover our legal obligations and internal management too.”

Ignacio Baeza

General Director of Operations, KISS

“We want to thank you for the good work we’ve done together this year.
Our users enjoy their work with your tool, and we met a goal we have been waiting for eleven years.”

Ralph Piontek

Leiter MusikCenter, Seven.One Production GmbH

In good company

Content Management System

Centralise and connect your music catalogue

Keep, manage and complete the metadata of your music works in a hub connected to the whole BMAT ecosystem. Save time and money and boost your assets’ potential by getting you and your music seen by other BMAT clients.

Find out more
Content Management System

Reportal TV

Ultra-accurate, metadata complete TV music reports

Reportal creates automatic metadata-complete music usage reports for all your TV shows and ads.

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Reportal Radio

Simplify reporting and get valuable music usage insights

Get valuable music usage insights, metadata-complete and accurate reports and simplify all your reporting duties.

Learn more

Top picks for you

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Music reporting for busy broadcasters
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Music recognition in ads – from radio jingles to TV commercials